One more day

Photo by Miguel Ugalde

What an educated little group of followers you all are.  I've got Polish words and German words and nonsense words.

Just a reminder to everyone else that today is the last day to throw your word in the heart-shaped hat so to speak.

Tomorrow I'll post the list of words and my own little ditty.

Then, it is your turn to compose some lovely little lines for me!

Winner gets my undying respect and some super nifty Pink Ribbon Pasta.

Leave your words at the end of this post or
Gentle Reminder
Valentine's Day Poetry Contest.

Happy wordsmith-ing everyone!


  1. Hmm..and I thought I posted already, but there is a big fat 0 comments..blerg! Which is a word I adore, but I shall stick with the first one I gave you. I adore it and it is something I live my life with; Gratitude.

    I'm one lucky gal




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