Thankful Things

It is nearly Thanksgiving and I am tempted to just brush past it and not mention it on my blog, but realize this is only a feeble attempt to seem hip and blasé and too insightful to indulge in holiday spirit. Anyone who knows me would see through any attempt to seem cool and call me out in a heartbeat. So, an inventory of thankfulness is what I am destined to write.

I am thankful for my family, friends and their continued health. Can I get a Hallelujah!

I am thankful that my husband bought me a back-up drive so that I am not eaten with paranoia and the sinking belief that one day all my thoughts will blow up with my computer. Drew, you have no idea the peace that simple purchase brought to me. It is because of it that I can sleep at night. Now, I just need to convince myself that your back-up drive’s early demise was truly a once in a lifetime type of occurrence. So rare it should be on the endangered species list. Do they make back-up back-up drives?

I am thankful for the teachers that put up with my kids for hours each day so that I don’t have to. Not that they aren’t good kids, but they’re mine and let’s face it, our relationships do best when we get some space. That being said, I’m thankful that my daughter has a big vacation coming up and my son will have the holidays off so that we can hang out and be lazy and pretend that pajamas are culturally accepted outfits for everyday wear.

I am thankful for holiday spirit and holiday spirits – especially the red variety.

I am thankful for the couple living in the nearby neighborhood whose house we drive by frequently and who decorate their yard with a dozen different inflatable holiday decorations. My kids love them and, let’s be honest – I can't handle that kind of pressure. All those plugs and extension cords!

I am thankful for Febreeze because my husband says the mini-van stinks and I’m counting on it to clean up my act.

I am thankful to be in love even across so much time. And to still be loved.

I am thankful for my own brand of insanity. How nice to wander through my days in the company of such wonderful, infuriating and yet simply lovely characters. Who says you have to outgrow imaginary friends? You simply have to call yourself a writer and then you get to play with as many as you’d like.

I am thankful for Your Girls and Mine. Tu-tu thankful, ladies. In a related note, thankful for the Boston Babes – never enjoyed a wet t-shirt contest more in my life.

I am thankful for cream cheese frosting. Enough said.

I am thankful for coupons and the look on the angry woman’s face in line behind me when the cashier announced I’d saved $115. She may have been hateful about those coupons, but when she heard that, she looked at me like I was a big fat glistening diamond.

I am thankful for mittens and scarves and wooly hats that keep me warm.

I am thankful for coffee and only slightly more grateful for flavored creamers that make everyday coffee like a tiny little celebration. On a related note, I am thankful that Dunkin’ Donuts opened in my town. Is it wrong to stop there three times a day? Mary Ellen and Maggie, let’s do coffee sometime soon – my treat!

I am thankful that you’ve made it this far in my list! Readers are what make my writing real. For years I wrote only for myself, actually afraid that someone might read my work. I’m very thankful that part of my life is through. Hiding is very hard.


  1. Love it! Um, I'm that woman standing behind you at the store, looking at you like you are a "big fat glistening diamond". I love coupon ladies and wish I had the discipline to collect and use coupons! Keep the posts coming!


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