Books Direct Christmas Giveaway

Happy winter holiday season!

We celebrate Christmas at my house, with a sprinkling of Hanukkah in the mix because my husband and I met while working as camp counselors at a Jewish summer sports camp in Pennsylvania. I kick my kids' tails at the dreidel game.

Today, I'm pulling out the buckets (and buckets) full of decorations we use every year. It's my favorite and least favorite day of the year. Favorite because I get to reminisce over Christmases past as I put everything out and least favorite because I have to put everything out.

Also, twinkly lights hate me. Every year I wrestle with them. Every year they very nearly strangle the holiday spirit right out of me.

But I decorate our home each year as a gift to my family. They love the house when it is transformed into a winter wonderland. And I love them, so I'll break my back hefting around heavy boxes and pinch my fingers a hundred times clipping those lights into the Christmas Village houses we love and say all the beautiful swear words as I fight with ropes of twinkly lights that refuse to stay lit.

Man, I love the holidays!

Know what else I love about holidays? They are the perfect time to shove books at all my loved ones and demand they read them. I'm a pushy gift giver. It's because I care so much. I'm very caring.

This season, you'll see tons of opportunities here on the blog to win books. More gifts from me. You're welcome.

Here's your first one. Lynda over at Books Direct is hosting a Christmas giveaway. There are tons of prizes to be won, including a Kindle copy of Love and Other Unknown Variables. The giveaway is open internationally, so my new friend in Malaysia can enter too!

You guys should check out her book blog. I'll be talking more about Kat over at Perusing Bookshelves a little later this month, but go peek around now if you've got a chance.

I just can't stop giving!

Click the link below to enter. Thanks for putting this together for everyone, Lynda. Books Direct is a great book resource.

Good luck and happy holidays!

P.S. If you don't hear from me in a few days, that means the twinkly lights have finally won. Send help.


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