My Big Publishing News as Told in 11 Outstanding GIFs

I have news.

I'd say that it is good news. Nay! Great news.

News that makes me want to do this.

When I first met Heather Howland, editor extraordinaire at Entangled Publishing, she asked if I'd ever considered writing another book with the characters from Love and Other Unknown Variables.

I laughed. Like this.

Heather waited patiently for my psychotic break to end, and then continued.

"Some of us were wondering what happens to Becca?" she asked.

Becca Hanson is the main character's younger sister in Love and Other Unknown Variables. Truth be told, she's my favorite character. As soon as Heather asked about her, my mind wanted to know, "What does happen to Becca?"

I sat with the question for a few days, resisting the urge to jot down ideas. Writing Love and Other Unknown Variables was heart wrenching for me. I identify most with Becca, so telling her story would be even more difficult than getting Charlie's story right. This was obviously dangerous territory. And when in danger I like to remember my mother's advice from my trip to the Grand Canyon.

"Don't fall in, Shannon."

Sorry, Mom. I got a little too close to the edge. I just couldn't let it rest. I HAD to know that Becca would be okay. So I wrote another book.

Okay, it wasn't as easy as I've just made it out to be. It's not like I waved my magic wand and *poof* a manuscript appeared.

There was a bit of this

some of this,

and a whole lot of this involved.

But it was worth it because when I sent bits of Becca's story to the amazing Jessica Sinsheimer of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency (aka the awesomest agent ever), she LOVED it. I totally managed to keep my cool.

You all know me too well! I don't do cool.

Excited, we sent Heather a pitch and...

Becca's story has found a happy home at Entangled Publishing, in Heather Howland's brilliant editorial hands.

Which means it's time for this.

And this.

And a whole bunch of this.

Because it wasn't cool enough that I was able to work with Jessica and Heather on one book. Now we get to do it all over again!

Okay. Back to work. Time to make Becca's story the best that I can. Which means, I have to stop playing with gifs and do a little more of this.


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