Rainbow Addiction

photo by Gabriella Fabbri
Hello. My name is Shannon, and I'm a book addict.

It's been ten months since my last author event.

Thankfully, Rainbow Rowell and David Levithan are coming to Kids Ink this Friday, March 14. I talked about David's book EVERYDAY in Cover Story (find it here).

On Saturday, March 15, Kids Ink will host Mike Mullin's SUNRISE launch.

Two events in one weekend? Oh, yesssssss! After this weekend, I'll be flying high.

I love author events for so many reasons, but mostly because it helps me remember that authors are people just like me. Which is good, because I want to be just like them.

I've been counting the days to what I've dubbed "Rainbow Day" for a few weeks now. I'm entirely too excited about it, and when I try to figure out why, I get even more excited and my brain melts down.

Rainbow Rowell's books Eleanor & Park and Fangirl are two very different, but equally important stories for me. The books resonate with me because I found echoes of my own self in the characters. Reading about their struggles was like reliving my own.

In reliving them, from a safe distance, I was able to sort through all the powerful emotions of growing up and learn from them.

That's a powerful thing.

It's a thing for which I'd like to say thank you.

And on Rainbow Day (3 days until Rainbow Day!!!!!), I'll get that chance.

In the meantime, if you haven't, read Rainbow's books, and see if you can find yourself on the pages.

If not in her books, then where? What books do you identify with?


  1. Arrgh! Why do I not ever hear of this stuff until it's too late! Phooey. I'd even been stopping by the Kids Inks website every so often a couple of months ago to check out upcoming events, but have been spacing it here recently. So I'm completely jealous- but I really do hope you have an awesome time! And maybe you'll post pics later...*crosses fingers* =)

    1. Oh, there will be pictures and gushing galore. You'll be begging me to stop.


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