Best to just laugh it off

He's a little blurry because he's doing his dance thing!
Meet my co-pilot, Dean.  He was a gift from my sister last year, inspired by a total Keeper of a woman we'd met in Baltimore.  I love Dean.  My kids love Dean.  I have a sneaking suspicion that even my hubby has a soft spot for Dean.

Dean is the reason I've had to let road rage go.  It is simply impossible to get all pissy and "let me introduce you to my middle finger-y" when you have a miniature man in a hula skirt wiggling on your dashboard.  I mean, you may feel like extending that finger and making a nasty face, but honestly, whose going to take you seriously when Dean's hips are shaking so crazily.  Best to breathe and let it go.

And while I often get funny looks (or angry ones from a few moms in the preschool parking lot - That's a half-naked man!  The nerve of some people!), I'm kind of glad I have a nice reminder to never take myself too seriously.  Pilot to co-pilot: we're ready for anything!


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