Crazy Good

I’ve made a new and shocking discovery. Seems not everyone hears voices in their heads. I had no idea. I always joked about mine, No, I’m not nuts, not until I start talking back to the voices. Heh heh heh. I assumed everyone passed the time hearing conversations in their heads and imagining the people that went along with those conversations. I figured I couldn’t possibly be the only one who spaced out in pre-calculus imagining specific details of a field with an enormous oak at its center, like the way the sun shimmered across the grass and the sound of the leaves whispering in the distance. I guessed I was amongst good company in imagining so many amazing first kisses, crying over countless illusory graves, barreling through the senses of so many lives. I had no idea this is not going on in everyone’s heads at all times.

My husband counts. Constantly. He counts everything and when there is nothing to count he counts until something to count appears. I can’t imagine that. He says he can’t imagine having people in his head. I stop cleaning the table and looked over at him mystified.

“You don’t have people in your head?”

He laughs. “I count,” he says.

“But, there’s no one else in there with you?”

“I count.”


Still, as crazy goes. I can think of worse things than having people and places and extraneous lives in my head. And I can still take pride in the knowledge that I haven’t started talking back to the voices – not yet.


  1. Awesome to never be lonely! And how lucky to have such an imagination. Great post! Sorry I've been MIA. Hope all is well!


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